Western Highlands, Scotland, UK – 12 years after my first attempt to reach the secret bay of Camusfeàrna, I finally succeeded.
Respecting Maxwell’s desire, and as a last tribute to his memory and to the wilderness of the place, I won’t reveal the bay’s true name. As he had foreseen, the place it’s fairly easy to discover; yet, it still remains remote enough to discourage mass tourism.
From the narrow and steep coastal highlands road, it is only a couple of miles walk on an old military track; the track climbs over the hills through what was once a vast forest of spruces – now almost completely cut down – crosses a little river of unexpected dark-red waters, and then finally rises to reach the coast.
There, with our hearts suspended, we had the first glimpse of the Ring of Bright Water from above. Blinded by the turquoise reflections of the sea, mesmerised by the tiny islands appearing in front of us through the ferns – we fell silent. We were completely alone – as it should have been. Only the sound of the wind with us, and the memories of a place imagined and cherished for a very long time.
a very long time.
Old images and text from “Ring of Bright Water” are published with kind permission of Gavin Maxwell Enterprises Ltd